By definition, upcycle means to reuse (discarded objects or materials) in such a way to create a product of higher quality or value than the original. In other words, "one person's trash is another person's treasure". Let's make upcycling the new normal, the new standard we should all live up to, and the way to a greener future!
benefits of upcycling
- It conserves the environment by reducing the amount of waste dumped in the landfill. Some waste materials contain chemicals that risk polluting our land and air.
- It helps to conserve the limited resources. It reduces the need for fresh raw materials to be manufactured into new products.
- Upcycling encourages creativity and innovation. It takes a lot of creativity to make something out of nothing. This usually creates unique, one-of-a-kind art or products that we can't wait to get our hands on!

get inspired
Have you ever been sitting in an airplane and thought... "Gee, I wonder what they do with all of those old life vests? Are they recycled?". If you're the person that falls asleep before the safety demonstration... don't worry, we have answers for you!
Did you know that life jackets are discarded after 8-10 years? That makes them the perfect lightweight, durable and waterproof material to transform into something great!
meet a leader in innovation
The founder of the upcycling company, Bags To Life, was the one asking those questions on their holiday flight! It was there that the idea to take old safety vests and upcycle them into bags and accessories came to be and Bags To Life really took flight from there!
They are now proud to say that since 2010, over 145 tons of life jacket materials have been saved from the landfill using their upcycling system. Now that's impressive.
Are you inspired and want to support their mission? Check out their latest bags in our store! They're bright, lightweight, and one-of-a-kind. VISIT OUR STORE
Up, Upcycle and Away!
share with us
We want to hear from you! What are some creative and innovative ways that you have used upcycling in your every day life? Share it in the comments below! 👇🏼💚 Tip: next time you finish that jar of pasta sauce... take off the label, rinse it out and plant some fresh herbs for your kitchen! 🌱
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